經由新型的測量腎內壓工具, 我們得知腎內壓升高可能會產生的併發症, 以及手術中應該如何因應來提高手術的安全性。
1. Intrarenal pressure Type of irrigation Control the length of the surgery The lumen of the sheath & the outer diameter of the scope
2. Renal colic Dilatation of renal pelvis and ureter, stretching of the nerve endings Renal pain threshold : Intrarenal pressure 33 mmHg
3. Renal damage Rupture Subcapsular hematoma: IRP > 185 mmHg Perirenal bleeding Pathological change
4. Back flow & fluid absorption IRP & time
5. SIRS & sepsis Irrigation rate and volume PCNL irrigation pressure Fluid penetration into kidney: pressure matter, assess sheath decreased PCNL and mini Perc: small sheath lead higher renal pressure
許毓昭秘書長精簡快速地提到多個研究, 數據化的呈現腎內壓升高對術中腎臟的傷害。 穿插國外大師的講解影片,多方面地呈現最新的證據, 看完影片就像打通任督二脈一樣功力大進。
推薦人: 翁竹浩