Room 2, Chid-De Building, Taipei Veterans General Hospital
10:10~10:25 TUA late breaking sessions
10:25~10:35 Opening Remarks ISUTA Chairman  
Prof. Yeong-Shiau Pu
10:35~10:40 Group Photos
10:40~11:10 Special Lecture: Canada Prof. Fred Saad Prof. Yeong-Shiau Pu

The Implications of the SPARTAN Trial in the treatment of nmCRPC in Clinical Practice


Special Lecture: Japan

Prof. Haruaki Sasaki

Prof. Masato Fujisawa

Penile surgery for priapism

Special Lecture: Taiwan

Prof. Yu Chen


Prof. Hong-Chiang Chang


Penile surgery for PE and augmentation

12:00~13:00 TUA lunch symposium (not for ISTUA)

Oral paper presentation -- Oncology 1 section (9 min each paper)

Oral presenters (6)

Cheng-Keng Chuang

Mototsugu Oya


Oral paper presentation -- Others section (9 min each paper)

Oral presenters (6)

Kazunari Tanabe

Tzu-ping Lin

15:00~15:20 Break

Oral paper presentation -- General urology section (9 min each paper)

Oral presenters (6)

Satoru Takahashi

Shuo-Meng Wang


Oral paper presentation --Oncology 2 section (9 min each paper)

Oral presenters (6) Shiu-Dong Chung
Yukihiro Kondo
17:20~17:25 Closing Remarks Prof. Yoshio Ogawa  
18:30~21:00 Gala Dinner(Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel)
14:00~15:00 Poster section Poster presenters Chung-Hsin Chen
Instructions for moderators and speakers
    • For moderators of Special lectures and State-of-the-art lecture, please spend no more than one minute to introduce speakers
    • For speakers of Special lectures, please leave no less than 3 minutes for Q & A.

  • For moderators of oral paper presentation, please spend no more than 30 seconds to introduce speakers.
  • Each oral paper presentation contains 7 minutes of presentation and 2 minutes of discussion.
Summary of ISTUA 2018
    • ISTUA 2018 contained 2 Special lectures, 24 oral paper presentations, and unlimited posters.
    • Scholars from Japan,Singapore, and Canada will attend ISTUA2018.
Review plan of submitted abstracts
    • If the total abstracts is less than 24 by Mar 20 2018, we will send "call for abstracts" again.
    • If the total abstracts is less than 24 by Mar 31 2018, we will alarm the information of extending the deadline to April 30 2018.
    • Urology research faculty from TUA members will serve as peer reviewers to approve research to display at the Podium (Oral) or Poster Session
    • The decision of oral and poster papers shown in ISTUA 2018 will be made by mid May.

★ We will reserve the chance of at least 10 oral papers for Japanese scholars. ★