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Video Session

Video Session

Robotic Surgery Award

Robotic Surgery Award

Special Symposium

TUA State-of-the-art Lecture

TUA State-of-the-Art Lecture

World Urology Forum

World Urology Forum

UAA Forum

UAA Forum

Challenging Cases

Challenging Cases in Urology


TUA Symposium C

Updates on mRCC and mUC Treatment

TUA Symposium E

Updates on mPC Treatment

Meet the Experts 2

Prostate Cancer Case Conference

Lunch Symposium 5

Management of Patients with mCRPC

Lunch Symposium 6

Optimizing Treatment in mCRPC Patients with Radium- 223

Meet the Experts 5

The Unlimited Creative Stories of Androgen Receptor in Urological Cancer

TUA Symposium F

Taiwan UTUC (Upper Urinary Tract Urothelial Carcinoma) Forum

Functional Urology

Lunch Symposium 1

Latest Therapeutic Perspectives to Treat Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS)

TUA Symposium D

Pelvic Organ Prolapse Surgery After FDA Warning for Mesh Implants Comprehensive Evaluation and Management for Patients with Nocturia

TUA Symposium L

Updates for Management of Neurogenic Urinary Tract Dysfunction (NUTD)


TUA Symposium A

New Trends in Erectile Dysfunction & Updates in Male Sexual Dysfunction 2018

Guideline for Andrology

Sexual Dysfunction with Male Infertility / Logic and Speculation of An Overactive Bladder

Workshop 3

Hot Topics and Advances for Male Reproduction

Educational Course 4

Revolutionary Penile Anatomy, Erection Physiology and Potency Reconstructions

TUA Symposium J

Diagnosis and Management of IC/ BPS


Lunch Symposium 3

The LithoVueTM Single-Use Digital Flexible Ureteroscope

Educational Course 1

Updates in Treatment of Urothelial Carcinoma Beyond Surgery

Educational Course 2

Updates in Robotic- Assisted Surgery of Urothelial Carcinoma

Meet the Experts 3

Guts or no Guts- Extraperitoneal Approach in GU-MIS

Meet the Experts 4

NOTES in Urology

TUA Symposium I

Updates in Minimally Invasive Surgery for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. What’s New Beyond Laser Prostate Surgery?

Lunch Symposium 7

Intelligent Technology Application for Urology Surgeries

Surgical Tips and Tricks

How to Improve Your Surgical Skills ?

Workshop 4

Laparo-Endoscopic Single Site Surgeries in Urology


TUA Symposium G

Urolithiasis- Basic Research and Key Procedures in Surgical Treatment

Lunch Symposium 8

Clinical Benefits of Holmium Laser with MOSES Technology on Ureteral Stone and HoLEP Treatment

Infection and Inflammation

TUA Symposium K

Different Faces of Sexual Transmitted Infection(STI)

Educational Course 3

How to Overcome the Learning Curve of Hypospadias and Chordee Reconstruction - Sharing the Experience


TUA Symposium H

Updates in Pediatric Bladder Dysfunction

Workshop 2

Approach Videourodynamics in Children


Meet the Experts

Minimally Invasive Surgery in Renal Transplant

TUA Symposium B

Perspective of Renal Transplant




台灣泌尿科醫學 華人泌尿學專家高峰

Guideline Contest


Urological Informatics Forum

Application of Informatics for Urologists



The Consensus of NIH Reimbursement and Censorship

The Consensus of NIH Reimbursement and Censorship




Senior Resident Debate

Senior Resident Debate 1

Senior Resident Debate 1

Senior Resident Debate 2

Senior Resident Debate 2

Nursing Forum

Nursing Forum

What's New of Wound and Stoma Care


蔡宗佑、邱逸淳、薛又仁、楊晨洸、吳俊賢、黃鐘銘、蔡昇翰、 范玉華、賴昱維、
林友翔、林益聖、蔡嘉駿、柯智群、柳瑞明、侯鎮邦、高偉棠、 李宏耕、程威銘、
張嘉峰、張孟霖、何肇晏、陳聖復、古博文、張奕凱、溫聖辰、 李香瑩、陳建廷、呂育全    