Chapter 1 General Provisions |
Article 1 |
The Association is named Taiwan Urological Association, abbreviated to T.U.A., hereinafter referred to as The Association. |
Article 2 |
The purposes of the Association are raising the standards of urological medicine, promoting the treatment and study of urological disorders, improving the friendship and encouraging exchange of study results among members, and establishing connection between international urological medicine organizations. |
Article 3 |
The Association is located where Taiwan central government is located. |
Article 4 |
The Association may establish branch offices in different parts of the country. The rules governing the branches are to be drawn up separately. |
Chapter 2 Missions |
Article 5 |
Missions of the Association are |
1. |
Promoting study of urological medicine and prevention of urological disorders in an effort to raise teaching and treatment standards. |
2. |
Publishing academic magazines and other publications. |
3. |
Giving academic lectures and holding discussions. |
4. |
Participating in international urology academic organizations and promoting cooperation. |
5. |
Subsidizing further education in urological medicine. |
6. |
Holding other events. |
Chapter 3 Membership |
Article 6 |
Qualifications for membership are |
1. |
Individuals graduated from public or Ministry of Education-accredited junior medical college and above, and having worked as resident under the direction of full-time urologist and worked full-time in clinical urological work or study for at least two years are eligible to apply for membership. Individuals having received one year or more and less than two years full-time urological training are eligible to apply for prospective membership. |
2. |
Recommendation by two existing members is required for application for membership or prospective membership. Applicants become members or prospective members after application is approved by the board of directors. |
3. |
Honorary membership is awarded to individuals having made special contributions to urological medicine. |
4. |
Members 70 and older who, after being inquired, agree to forgo the electoral right of a formal member may become the Association’s Honorary Member with the membership fee waived. |
Article 7 |
1. |
Members who violate the Association’s rules or damage its reputation are to be censured by the board of directors or stripped of membership after being approved by the member meeting depending on the gravity of the violation. |
2. |
Membership is suspended for those who have not paid membership fee for two years or longer. Membership is to be restored after the fee is paid in full with approval by the joint meeting of the directors and supervisors. |
Article 8 |
Members enjoy the following rights |
1. |
The right to elect and being elected. |
2. |
The right to speak and vote. |
3. |
The right to attend annual meetings and other meetings. |
4. |
The right to publish papers in Association publications and receive Association publications free of charge. |
Prospective and Honorary Members enjoy only the third and fourth rights. |
Article 9 |
Members shall fulfill the following obligations |
1. |
Abide by Association rules and implement its resolutions. |
2. |
Carry out tasks assigned by the Association. |
3. |
Pay membership fee. |
Chapter 4 Organization |
Article 10 |
The member meeting has the highest authority. When member meeting is not in session, the board of directors shall perform all the duties on its behalf. |
Article 11 |
The Association has 17 directors, 5 alternate directors, 5 supervisors, and 1 alternate supervisor, to be elected in the member meeting. They shall form the board of directors and board of supervisors. |
Article 12 |
Five executive directors are to be elected executive directors by all directors. A director-general is to be elected from the five executive directors. The director-general is the Association’s legal representative, in charge of all matters of the Association. The director-general is the chairman of all the meetings. When the director-general is absent, he shall appoint one of the executive directors as the chairman to act on his behalf. |
Article 13 |
One supervisor is to be elected the executive supervisor by all supervisors. |
Article 14 |
The boards of directors and supervisors shall nominate members as candidates for directors and supervisors prior to member meeting for reference. |
Article 15 |
Directors and supervisors shall perform their duties without compensation. |
Article 16 |
Directors and supervisors have a term of office of two years. They can be elected more than once. The director-general can be re-elected only once. |
Article 17 |
Directors and supervisors shall be discharged from their duties in the event of one of the following. |
1. |
Resignation approved by board of directors and member meeting for unforeseeable reasons. |
2. |
Failure to perform duties and are determined by member meeting to resign. |
3. |
In violation of laws and regulations when performing duties or material improper act that are determined by member meeting to resign. |
Article 18 |
The Association has one secretary-general, one secretary, and several assistants, to be nominated by director-general and approved by board of directors. |
Article 19 |
If director/supervisor is unable to perform his duties, alternate director/supervisor is to fill the vacancy in due order. |
Article 20 |
The Association shall have one honorary director-general, to be nominated by director-general and approved by boards of directors and supervisors. |
Article 21 |
The board of directors has the following powers
1. |
Planning the activities of the Association and implementing member meeting’s resolutions. |
2. |
Convening member meetings. |
3. |
Admission to and withdrawal from the Association. |
4. |
Preparation of budgets and final accounts. |
5. |
Selecting administrative personnel and members of various committees. |
Article 22 |
The board of supervisors has the following powers
1. |
Reviewing the Association’s budgets and final accounts. |
2. |
Investigating and handling matters regarding discipline. |
3. |
Monitoring progress of Association activities. |
Chapter 5 Meetings |
Article 23 |
Member meeting convenes and academic lecture is given once yearly. Under special circumstances, provisional member meeting called by board of directors convenes. |
Article 24 |
The joint meeting of directors and supervisors is held once every four months. Provisional meetings may be held if necessary. |
Chapter 6 Funds |
Article 25 |
Association activities are funded as follows
1. |
Membership and annual fees. Membership fee is NT$2,000. Annual fee is NT$1,000 ($500 for prospective members and members who are chief residents and below). |
2. |
Donations. |
3. |
Interest income. |
4. |
Other income. |
Chapter 7 Supplementary Provisions |
Article 26 |
When the Association is dissolved, the remaining assets are to be handled according to law. They do not belong to any individual or private enterprise. They belong to self-governed organization or government. |
Article 27 |
Issued not included in these rules are to be amended by member meeting and submitted to Ministry of the Interior. |
Article 28 |
After being approved by member meeting, the rules are to be submitted to Ministry of the Interior for approval. They become effective after being approved by Ministry of the Interior. |