2024 歐洲泌尿科醫學會住院醫師教育課程(EUREP)徵選開始囉!




4/26前報名者繳交資料 ▶ 經教育委員會 國際學術交流活動評審團進行甄選 ▶ 於官網公告甄選結果
業務承辦人:教育健保組 華秀穎(學會分機10)

檔案下載:歐洲泌尿科醫學會住院醫師教育課程(EUREP) 甄選申請書



Dear TUA,

On behalf of the entire European Association of Urology, we hope that you are doing well.

Hereby we would like to inform that the EAU will maintain the agreement for the exchange programme between TUA & EUREP, which means that 2 residents from your organization may attend EUREP24.


Next EUREP will take place 30 August - 4 September 2024 and as always it will be held in the Clarion Congress Hotel in Prague.

Arrival should be on Thursday 29 August and departure after the course ends at 12:30 hrs on 4 September. We will cover the cost of the course.


Accommodation and travel is covered by your organisation. The cost of staying at this hotel is as follows:

If the resident opt to stay in the hotel they will be invoiced directly at a later stage.

If the resident wish to stay in a different hotel that is also possible but we would ask they inform us.


As soon as you have selected the 2 residents please send us their contact details and we will follow up from there.
We kindly ask you to inform us as soon as possible, as the registration deadline is set on 1 May 2024.


All information regarding the EUREP can be found on our website.


Thank you very much for your continued understanding and support.


In case of any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Best regards,

Wendy Dennissen